There's A Crystal For That!
We have compiled a fantastic crystal index for many uses / ailments...
Hope you find it as useful as we do! The more we learn the more we share so expect updates to this comprehensive list!
- Abdomen - Serpentine, Sunstone
- Abdominal Cramps - Boji Stone
- Abortion - Moonstone
- Abcess - Blue Lace Agate
- Abundance - Amethyst, Aventurine, Carnelian, Citrine, Jade, Moss Agate
- Abuse - Carnelian
- Accident Protection in Cars - Lapis, Malachite, Mookaite, Turquoise
- Accidents - Hematite
- Aid recovery after accident - Tourmalinated Quartz
- Aches & Pains - Boji Stone, Calcite, Garnet, Magnetic Hematite
- Acidity - Peacock Ore
- Acne - Amethyst, Fluorite
- Action when to take - Tiger Iron
- Addictions - Amethyst, Botswana Agate, Dumortierite, Kunzite, Smithsonite
- Addictions - Alcohol - Amethyst, Dalmation Jasper, Kunzite, Sugilite,
- Addictions - Drugs - Tektite
- Addictions - Smoking - Botswana Agate
- Addictions - food - Amethyst
- Addictive behaviour - Tektite
- Adrenal Disorders - Aventurine, Jade, Tigers Eye, Smoky Quartz
- Adversity to face - Chrysoprase, Selenite
- Aggression - Amazonite, Amethyst, Azurite, Citrine, Moonstone
- AIDS - Amethyst, Boji Stones, Chrysoprase, Hematite, Zircon
- Akashic Records Connecting With - Apophyllite, Labradorite
- Allergies - Carnelian, Zircon
- Alzheimers Disease - Lepidolite, Rose Quartz
- Ambition to achieve goals - Howlite, Jade
- Amnesia - Bloodstone, Lepidolite
- Anemia - Bloodstone, Hematite, Tigers Iron
- Angina - Dioptase, Emerald
- Anorexia - Danburite, Rose Quartz
- Antibiotics reduce effect - Azurite/Malachite
- Anxiety - Blue Lace Agate, Citrine, Smoky Quartz, Sodalite, Sunstone
- Arteries - Red Jasper
- Arthritis - Blue Lace Agate, Calcite, Copper, Malachite
- Ascension - Calcite, Lodestone, Labradorite
- Assertiveness - Onyx, Rose Quartz
- Asthma - Amber, Azurite, Chrysocolla, Rose Quartz, TIgers Eye
- Astral Travel - Ametrine, Apophyllite, Celestite, Larimar, Moldavite
Babies Teething - Amber
- Backache - Azurite, Citrine, Garnet, Petrified Wood, Sapphire
- Bad Temper - Amber, Chrysocolla
- Balancing Energies - Moonstone
- Base Chakra - Onyx
- Beginnings to make new - CItrine
- Belief in Oneself - Unakite
- Bi-Polar - Kunzite
- Bladder - Amber, Orange Calcite, Citrine, Jasper
- Blaming Others - Rhodonite
- Bloating - Green Jasper, Pearl
- Blocks & Obstacles to goals - Picture Jasper, Peacock Ore
- Blood Clots - Bloodstone, Hematite
- Bone Injuries - Blue Lace Agate, Green Calcite, Malachite, Purple Fluorite
- Bowel Issues - Citrine, Jasper, Peridot, Pyrite
- Breast Cancer - Red Quartz, Rose Quartz
- Breathlessness - Amethyst, Amber, Jet
- Broken Heart - Aquamarine, Chrysoprase, Rose Quartz, Selenite
- Bronchitis - Amber, Lapis, Pyrite, Rutilated Quartz
- Bulimia - Agate, Azurite, Danburite, Hematite, Kunzite
- Bullying - Bloodstone
- Business Endeavours - Clear Quartz Cluster
- Caffeine Cut Down - Ruby
- Calcium Deficiency - Howlite
- Calmness & Clarity - Blue Lace Agate, Green Jade, Rhodonite, Clear Quartz
- Cancer Master Healers - Amethyst, Selenite, Smoky Quartz
- Car Sickness - Jasper, Malachite
- Cardiovascular System - Kunzite
- Career Change - Green Aventurine
- Cellular Regeneration - Chrysoprase, Kyanite, Rainbow Quartz, Serpentine
- Cellulite - Citrine
- Central Nervous System - Aventurine
- Change of LIfe - Garnet, Lapis
- Chaos to bring order - Fluorite, Rhodonite
- Chemotherapy - Herkimer Diamond, Smoky Quartz
- Childbirth - Peach Moonstone, Amethyst, Jade, Jasper
- Children All Purpose Healers - Amethyst, Blue Lace Agate, Rose Quartz
- Childhood Nightmares - Amethyst, Lepidolite, Rose Quartz
- Clarity in THinking - Clear Quartz, Fluorite, Sapphire, Smoky Quartz
- Cleansing of Other Crystals - Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Kyanite, Selenite
- Colds & Flu - Moss Agate, Carnelian, Fluorite, Sodalite
- Colon Issues - Citrine, Peach Moonstone, Tigers Eye
- Compatibility to Enhance Relationship - Ametrine
- Compulsive Behaviours - Dumortierite, Fluorite
- Concentration - Aragonite, Carnelian, Fluorite, Hematite
- Confidence - Amazonite, Blue Lace Agate, Chrysanthemum Stone, Jade, Peridot, Sodalite
- Conflict Resolution - Jasper, Lais, Rhodonite, Tigers Eye
- Conscious Dreaming - Tektite
- Courage - Aventurine, Aquamarine, Bloodstone
- Creativity - Carnelian, Tigers Iron, Amazonite, Lapis, Moonstone, Black Obsidian
- Crown Chakra - Amethyst, Lepidolite
- Curses to Protect Against - Tigers Eye, Black Tourmaline
- Dangerous Work (use when doing) - Pyrite
- Darkness (bring light to ones life) - Ruby
- Decision Making - Bloodstone, Charoite, Mookaite
- Depression to Lift - Sunstone, Tigers Eye
- Destiny (To stay on ones chosen path) - Labradorite, Moonstone, Turquoise
- Diabetes - Agate, Amber, Honey Calcite, Pyrite, Rhodochrosite
- Dieting - Apatite, Hemimorphite, Moonstone, Topaz
- DIgestion - Blue Lace Agate, Botswana Agate, Citrine
- Disharmony - Jade, Moonstone
- Disorganised - Fluorite, Chrysocolla
- Divine Protection - Amethyst
- Divorce - Kunzite
- Dysfunctional Behaviour - Amethyst
- Dyslexia - Agate, Amethyst, Malachite, Sugilite
- Earache - Amazonite, Emerald, Fluorite, Kunzite, Sapphire
- Earth Healing - Chrysocolla, Sapphire, Rhodocrosite
- Eating Disorders - Selenite
- Eczema - Sapphire
- EMF - Shungite
- Emotional Calmness - Moonstone, Rhodocrosite
- Encouragement - Kunzite
- Energy Sucking Prevents - Aventurine
- ESP, to develop - Moonstone
- Exam preparation - Fluorite
- Exhaustion - Yellow Jasper
- Eyesight Disorders - Aquamarine, Malachite
- Fatigue - Smoky Quartz
- Father, healing psychological problems - Green Tourmaline
- Fear - Amethyst, Kunzite, Moonstone, Sodalite
- Feet, to keep grounded - Onyx
- Fertility - Chrysoprase, Carnelian, Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Selenite, Garnet
- Fidelity, to promote - Turquoise
- Flu & Colds - Moss Agate, Bloodstone
- Fluid Retention - Moonstone, Mother of Pearl
- Forgetfulness - Moss Agate, Tourmaline
- Forgiveness - Apache Tears, Rhodonite, Sugilite
- Fractures, bone - Blue Lace Agate, Malachite
- Friendship - Moonstone, Sardonyx, Turquoise
- Frozen Shoulder - Malachite
- Frustration - Kyanite
- Future, insight into - Amber, Apophyllite
- Gallbladder - Azurite, Carnelian, Malachite, Tigers Eye
- Gambling Addiction - Amazonite, Azurite
- Ghosts to move on peacefully - Phantom Quartz
- Global awareness of saving planet - Picture Jasper
- Glands swollen - Aquamarine, Clear Quartz
- Goals achieving - Garnet, Malachite, Tigers Eye
- Goddess Energies - Larimar, Moonstone
- Gout - Peacock Ore, Prehnite
- Grief - Apache Tears, Carnelian
- Grounding - Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Snowflake Obsidian, Black Tourmaline
- Guardian Angel, connecting with - Angelite, Celestite
- Guilt releasing - Malachite, Peridot, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Selenite
- Hair restoring health & growth - Malachite, Clear Quartz
- Happiness - Amethyst, Chrysoprase, Peridot, Ruby, Sunstone
- Harmony in partnerships - Emerald
- Hay fever - Blue Lace Agate
- Headaches - Amethyst, Charoite, Jet, Lodestone, Turquoise
- Healing Stone, powerful - Bloodstone, Rhodochrosite
- Health & Wellbeing - Green Aventurine, Peridot
- Hearing Disorders - Amethyst, Celestite, Lapis
- Heart issues - Ruby, Rose Quartz
- Hearts Desires to manifest - Rhodochrosite
- Hepatitis - Calcite
- Hip Disorders - Jade
- Hormonal Problems - Moonstone, Amethyst, Pink Kunzite, Pearl
- House Protection - Jet
- Hyperactive Children - Fluorite, Garnet, Moonstone
- Illness, draw out of body - Lodestone
- Imagination to stimulate - Amazonite, Lapis, Rose Quartz
- Immune System Strengthen - Amethyst, Jade, Fire Opal
- Incest, recover from memories of - Bloodstone, Black Star Diopside
- Indigestion - Jade, Yellow Jasper
- Infertility - Carnelian, Chrysoprase, Jade, Rose Quartz
- Inflammation of joints - Pyrite, Rhodonite
- Inner Child Healing - Shutatike, Smithsonite
- Insomnia - Amethyst, White Howlite, Hematite, Lapis, Lepidolite
- Insulin Regulation - Chrysocolla
- Irritation to Soothe - Carnelian
- Jealousy - Chrysoprase, Jade
- Job Interviews - Amber
- Joint Problems - Azurite, Amber, Fluorite, Hematite
- Joy - Carnelian, Peacock Ore
- Justice in a dispute - Selenite