Palo Santo is Spanish for holy wood, you will soon realise how it came to have such a beautiful name when you smell its sweet scent.
Palo Santo Wood is a sacred wood that comes from the Palo Santo tree. When it is burned, the smoke is believed to have medicinal and therapeutic healing power.
The scent it produces will place you into a mindful state of being. Inhale the burnt citrus scent of palo santo to feel yourself cleansed of the stress or negativity weighing down your chest.
Due to the numerous healing powers of palo santo, the sacred wood has for centuries served as a panacea in remote areas of South America. Its use in sacred rituals has lead to palo santo becoming an essential tool for all Shamans.
Palo santo can also be a friend to your crystals, helping to purify their energy when you first receive them, and periodically when their energy begins to feel heavy.
To use its healing energy on your crystals, begin by lighting the palo santo stick, and waiting for its flame to die out. Holding the palo santo stick in one hand, use your other hand to raise your crystal and immerse it into the smoke of the palo santo.
Depending on how many crystals you are cleansing, you may have to relight the stick a few times. Unlike sage, which continues to burn, palo santo is a bit more reluctant to hold a flame.
If you can’t lift your crystal, use your hand or a feather to waft the medicinal smoke onto the stone.